Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pablo's Day

Dictated by El Pablito

Mom won't let me use the computer yet, but she said I could have my own entry today. Finally! I mean, really, isn't this blog supposed to be all about me in the first place? I thought you might like to have an idea of how I'm spending my time down here in La Antigua (most people forget that "La," by the way -- at least it's no longer La Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala -- but I'll let Mom tell you all about that mouthful in some other entry).

So, for starters, this is me, bright-eyed and bushy-haired:
wakey angel
Pretty cute, huh?

And then there's my other half. Half-eyed and bushy-haired.
bleary mom
Yup, that's Mom. Not her best time of day. So far, I've managed to get a smile from her every morning -- I think that may be because I've been pretty good about sticking to our bargain: I let her sleep until 8 or 9, and she lets me do basically whatever I want. That works great for me, because, frankly, sleeping in is one of my favorite activities.

As is sleeping out.
sleeping out

Or on.
sleeping on

Or beside.
sleeping beside

Or under.
sleeping under

Or between.

Or pretty much anywhere.
blissed out

But, lest you think that my day is entirely without excitement -- check THIS out:
Every day we have to negotiate this treacherous flight of concrete stairs to go get my first morning snack. Mom hasn't dropped me here YET -- but let's just say she hasn't earned my complete confidence either. There have been incidents. And morning is not my mother's optimal operating hour (cf above).

After breakfast, the day begins in earnest. First, a brief postprandial snooze:
milky boy
(I objected mightily to the inclusion of this picture, as I think it makes me look like a driveling idiot. Mom says I look cute, and it's her blog, so too bad. Hmph.)

Then Mom takes a shower, while I meditate on the bathroom tiles.
I love my tiles. I get all excited looking at them -- sometimes so excited that I wriggle right off my towel onto the floor.
bad tiles
Those other tiles I'm not so thrilled about.

Then there's the laundry. I do my part:
washing machine
Mom does hers:

Then it's time for a little internet interlude. Mom has a couple of tricks for that: first she tries to distract me with some kind of new-fangled baby book -- all the pictures are in black and white! She says all the infant development people gave it rave reviews. I say it's just OK.

Then she gives me what I really want: my pal Mr. Target.
p & target
Sometimes Mom tries to be clever and gives me Weird Mr. Whoozit instead:

But I let her know what I think about that.

At some point in the afternoon, we usually get up the energy to do something in town. Mom says it's important to get out of the house every day -- even if it's 5 o'clock by the time we do. I'm not sure what the big deal is -- my favorite stuff is all inside. For instance, in addition to the tiles, we have super cool ceilings:
and lights:

and my bouncy seat. Now I know some have called it derivative -- but I say, Pollock never did butterflies, now did he?

But sometimes it's fun to go out and be sociable. Here we are at Cafe No Se.
no se

And here we are out and about with Sonja, another adoptive mom we met down here. Sonja's a Yalie, just like Mom -- she lives in Maine, and she homeschools her two-soon-to-be-three kids! Mom's going to have to work pretty hard to match those hipmama credentials. Anyway -- I'm sorry I don't have a picture of Sonja's daughter, Lola -- she's a hottie!

Occasionally we even do the big guatadopt group thing -- here's a bunch of us at a brunch party:
brunch moms

I got to hang out with Alex -- someone my own size, for once!
p & alex

But some of our best times have been just relaxing at home with our next door neighbors. Here are Lalla and Ben:
lalla & ben

And Ben's big sister Olivia. Olivia is a fabulous kid -- even if she did toot on my head that one time.

And here am I again, lounging around with Mom.
p chair 1
p chair 2
p chair 3
E/p chair

By nighttime, we're usually pretty exhausted from all that activity. Some nights, if Mom isn't feeling too tired, I get a bath:
bath time

And after that I might get a full-body massage. Mom says it looks like I'm trying to escape in this picture -- but I quite enjoy my massage. Really, Mom, I swear! I'm just a wriggler by nature.
squirmy massage

When I'm not resting, that is. Back to sleep, I'm always the perfect model.
sleeping angel

Phew! That was a lot of work, just getting through an average day! I think next time I'll let Mom do the blogging, while I await my next photo session. ...Oh, Mr. DeMille?


The Best Family said...

I *love* the "day in the life" series of photos! What great memories these will bring back one day when you look at them again. :) I'm so glad you're enjoying your new home in Antigua! Best wishes --
Cathy Best (FTC)

Corina said...

Hi Esme,
Finally! Pablo speaks! What a cute and clever little guy. Thanks for the update. Always fun to read.
P.S. Greetings from Steele, who by the way loves the sassy post bath, wrapped in the bath towel pic.

erinberry said...

That was an adorable post! You should put all the pictures and text into a shutterfly or kodakgallery book - I bet it would become one of toddler Pablo's favorite stories!

HOll said...

Hi Pablo! You sure are growing and what a handsome little fellah you are. I know your mom must be very proud of you with all you're learning and doing these days - especially your commitment to the nap : ) . Please tell your mom hi and we miss her around here -

Nurse Holly